Cassandra Wye - Maths
AIM High Maths
Age range EYS to KS5
Books No
DBS Checked No
+44 (0)1535 656015
Cassandra has worked around the globe as a storyteller showing how to use storytelling as a catalyst for learning across the curriculum from Human Rights to Healthy Eating.
About Cassandra
Since 2010 she has been working with Caroline McGrath, UK Early Years Trainer and Researcher to innovate ways of using storytelling to animate teaching and learning of Maths.
Cassandra’s AIM High Maths Days
Come and join Cassandra for a journey into maths via the magic of storytelling!
Storytelling is a fabulous tool for posing problems and discovering solutions which enables us as educators to extend mathematical learning across the curriculum.
Maths is everywhere and we can find it anywhere – from the moving of mountains to the making of soup!
This session will include: An interactive storytelling session, movement based activities and warm up, solo and collaborative story-making and drawing
Within the session we will:
Explore concepts of volume, capacity, shape, size, counting, adding, subtracting, time passing and sequencing, by embedding these concepts within the story told
Extend the children’s understanding of these concepts through movement based improvisation
Apply these concepts to enable us to create a new ending to the story heard
To book Cassandra Wye please contact