Russell Bark - Space School
Russell Bark -
Space School
AIM High Science
Age range Primary
Books No
DBS Checked Yes, enhanced
+44 (0)1535 656015
Russell has had a lifelong passion for space and his Space School days will be sure to amaze all!
About Russell
Russell’s interest in all things space was ignited following a fantastic trip to Cape Canaveral in 1980 when he was 11 years old.
Russell became a freelance teacher fifteen years ago and uses his experience as a teacher and performer to deliver a completely unique learning experience.
Russell Bark’s Space School Days
Russell’s space/science experience is aimed at all KS1/KS2 children with a passion for science and space exploration.
Russell uses multi sensory environments to enhance the learning and to help the children engage in the topic in a fun and interactive way!
Russell will cover the following during his fantastic day:
* The Sun, Planets, Moons the Solar system and beyond.
* Human biology and how space travel affects the body.
* The science of Gravity, atmospheres, planetary orbits and using renewable energy to aid the future of space travel
* Robotics and the use of AI to help humans travel further into space.
* How the solar system works and unique planet ecosystems.
* Design and hands-on workshops to promote engineering skills and problem solving.
* Astronaut physical training and breathing techniques
* A look at life in space, focusing on recycling resources, growing food in space, sleeping and eating and of course extra-terrestrial life!
To book Russell Bark please contact