Project Survival: 2 (Planet of the Dinosaurs) - Ken Preston

Project Survival: 2 (Planet of the Dinosaurs) - Ken Preston



If your child is attending the events at Stourport Primary and St Bartholomew’s Primary on 3rd March, please select the event they are attending, and detail their name, class number and school name at checkout.

Not all monsters are prehistoric

Following the dramatic climax in Book One of this thrilling adventure series, Daniel has now been separated from his friends Lee and Will. His former bodyguard, Renton, is now his kidnapper, intent on taking Daniel north to the Lake District, and the IntelliCorps headquarters.

Lee and Will trail behind, intent on rescuing their friend from the thuggish American.

On their separate journeys the teenagers make new friends along with new enemies, and find out that sometimes, flesh eating dinosaurs might not be the most dangerous thing they will encounter.

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Rory Branagan Detective Series 7 Books for £42 - Andrew Clover

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